Having which endowment according to Imam was what the enemy had done?

Having which endowment according to Imam was what the enemy had done?

When Imam was in his Eminence Amir's sanctuary enemies and friends were influenced by his kind of pilgrimage and worship.

J plus: When during the 15 years Imam was in Najaf the noblest every night he used to go for pilgrimage of shrine Amirolmomenin (commander of the faithful) and he said several times that the enemy had given me that Godly endowment. Imam's expressions in the sanctuary were as such that enemies and friends were greatly influenced by his pilgrimage and worship.

A section of interpretations of Imam Khomeini's (peace be upon him) character sketch; volume 3, p. 16; fifth edition (1388); published by: Oruj printing and publishing. That is a memory and that is said by the deceased Hojatoleslam valmoslemeen Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini

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