``The Nature of Islamic Awakening is Moral Awakening``

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini:

''The Nature of Islamic Awakening is Moral Awakening''

We have great days in front of us and we have also passed great days. This year, was an extraordinary year in the recent decades of the Islamic world, which the spiritual awakening is one of the most important faces of it.”

Sunday, January 01, 2012 03:03

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``Ashura uprising`` in the words and sayings of Imam Khomeini

''Ashura uprising'' in the words and sayings of Imam Khomeini

The Message of Muharram is portrayed in the following selection of texts chosen from the great leader of the revolution’s statements and words regarding the importance of the Ashura uprising of Imam Hussein (as) : With the appearance of the new moon, Muharram, the month of heroism, bravery, and sacrifice has commenced. It is a month wherein the blood conquered the sword; it is a month in which the power of truth defeated the wrong forever and stamped the forehead of tyrants and the satanic governments and their stigma.‬

Saturday, December 03, 2011 03:13

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 Baraa`at az Moshrikeen (dissociation from polytheists)

Baraa'at az Moshrikeen

Baraa'at az Moshrikeen (dissociation from polytheists)

A member of the National Security and Foreign Policies Committee recently said: “The Message pilgrims wish to convey at the Baraa'at az Moshrikeen (dissociation from polytheists) ceremony this year is, that changes within the area should be supported and that they are opponents of colonization and world arrogance.”

Friday, November 11, 2011 09:39

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Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive politico-religious Hajj congregation

Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive ...

In fact, the blessed feast is the day the Muslims of the world are emancipated from the hegemony of tyrants and world-devourers thanks to the wakefulness of Muslims and the commitment of Muslim `ulama'. This great goal is feasible when different aspects of Islamic laws can be presented to the oppressed people, acquainting nations with Islam and not losing opportunities for this great fateful matter.

Monday, November 07, 2011 03:35

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From his birth up to the 4th of June

From his birth up to the 4th of June

Monday, October 24, 2011 02:24

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Exhibition of Imam Khomeini Photos Kicks Off in Tehran

Exhibition of Imam Khomeini

Exhibition of Imam Khomeini Photos Kicks Off in Tehran

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 03:22

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32nd anniversary of Islamic Revolution

32nd anniversary of Islamic Revolution

32nd anniversary of Islamic Revolution

Special ceremonies were kicked off in Tehran in the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini southern Tehran to mark the 32nd anniversary of the triumph of Islamic Revolution (1979).

Wednesday, September 07, 2011 02:37

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