"112 Days of Khomeini in France" broadcasted on the French TV

"112 Days of Khomeini in France" broadcasted on the French TV

A documentary about the life of Imam Khomeini in France broadcasted on Franc 3 channel. It recounts 112 days residence of Imam Khomeini at Neuphle- le- Château.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 02:45

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The conference of “Imam Khomeini’s Movement” held to review roots of the Islamic Revolution

50th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini Movement:

The conference of “Imam Khomeini’s Movement” held to review roots of the Islamic Revolution

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the conception of Imam Khomeini Movement, the first session of 'Rereading the Roots of Islamic Revolution' was held at the National Library.

Sunday, October 21, 2012 07:00

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An Analysis on the Supreme Leader`s Inaugural Speech Regarding the Foreign Policy at the 16th NAM Summit

An Analysis on the Supreme Leader's Inaugural Speech Regarding the Foreign Policy at the 16th NAM ...

Imam Khomeini's foreign policy through his movement was not only aligned with the rightful request of independence of the NAM members but was even more seriously seeking for a global unity. The inaugural speeches of the Iranian Supreme Leader regarding the foreign policy according to Imam Khomeini's strategies shed the light on the pathat the 16th NAM summit as we try to analyze its dimensions in this article.

Thursday, September 06, 2012 06:38

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``Imam Khomeini Was the Inspiration for Nelson Mandela``


''Imam Khomeini Was the Inspiration for Nelson Mandela''

An interview with Abdalsattar from South Africa, who runs a spiritual ministry in South Africa in the field of social work and is a specialist in teaching about Ahlul Bayt.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012 01:50

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The Birth Anniversary of the Dawn of Spirituality and the Guardian of Islam

Imam Khomeini:

The Birth Anniversary of the Dawn of Spirituality and the Guardian of Islam

Congratulations on the occasion of the rising of the sun of Shaban 3rd, marking the birth anniversary of the dawn of spirituality and the guardian of Islam, who renewed the Holy Quran and rescued the Ummah of the Seal of Prophets- peace be upon him and his progeny.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 09:26

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Imam Khomeini`s biography in English and Arabic

A CD of Imam Khomeini's biography was released in English and Arabic

Imam Khomeini's biography in English and Arabic

With efforts of International Affairs department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works a CD of Imam Khomeini's biography was released and reproduced in English and Arabic.

Sunday, March 25, 2012 09:26

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``Your message has deep concerns about the fate of mankind``

Gorbachev’s response to Imam Khomeini:

''Your message has deep concerns about the fate of mankind''

On January 4th 1989 Imam Khomeini’s message was delivered to Gorbachev by his selected delegations who were Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Mohammad Javad Larijani and Mrs. Marzieh Hadidehchi Dabbaq. Eight weeks later Gorbachev delivered his response to Imam Khomeini by the then Soviet foreign minister, Edward Shevardnadze in Tehran. Gorbachev saw a great value to Imam’s message in his response, but it was clear that he had not understood the spiritual dimensions of Imam’s message. Because he had first tried to describe his activities for promoting political freedom in the Soviet Union and then he had described the achievements of a communist economic from 1917 till now. In the meeting between Eduard Shevardnadze, those days Soviet foreign minister, and Imam Khomeini, Ali Akbar Velayati, those days Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Larijani, deputy of the foreign minister and a member of the delegation, and Alireza Nobari, then the Iranian ambassador to the Soviet Union were also present.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 08:54

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Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

Gorbachev and Imam Khomeini

Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

In 1999, on the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini’s demise, in an interview with the IRIB News Agency in Moscow, Gorbachev regretted ignoring the Imam’s warnings three years before the collapse of the Soviet Union and said: “I think Imam Khomeini’s message addressed all the ages throughout history.” He also added: “When I received this message, I felt the person who wrote it was thoughtful and cared about the situation of the world. By studying the letter, I realized that he was someone who was worried about the world and wanted me to understand more about the Islamic revolution.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 09:37

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