Imam Khomeini’s legacy lives on in Ayatollah Khamenei’s revolutionary leadership

Imam Khomeini’s legacy lives on in Ayatollah Khamenei’s revolutionary leadership

On this day in 1989, the World lost the man that revolutionized the balance of power in West Asia and restored this balance on an international scale, uplifting with it not just the Muslim and Arab world, but the dignity and power of all oppressed nations with it.

Sunday, June 05, 2022 11:21

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Imam paid all seminary students equal stipend regardless of their nationalities and ethnicities.

Imam paid all seminary students equal stipend regardless of their nationalities and ethnicities.

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam Khomeini

Monday, May 23, 2022 09:36

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Imam Khomeini`s Innovations in Changing Sex in Spousal Sentences.

Imam Khomeini's Innovations in Changing Sex in Spousal Sentences.

The purpose of this research is to express the innovations of Imam Khomeini in the context of sex change in spouses. Consequently, according to Imam Khomeini, sex change is not forbidden, but it will change the family titles due to the negation of the former marriage.

Sunday, April 24, 2022 11:11

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Imam paid all seminary students equal stipend regardless of their nationalities and ethnicities

Imam paid all seminary students equal stipend regardless of their nationalities and ethnicities

It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam Khomeini used to pay equal stipend to all seminary students regardless of their ethnicity and nationalities.

Sunday, April 10, 2022 12:20

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Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini`s Will: Determining Ideological Discourse toward EFL Learning.

Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini's Will: Determining Ideological Discourse ...

The researcher showed that Imam Khomeini’s will had a significant inclination toward applying verb tense as a means for ideological act in the text as well as action sentences and passive sentences. Moreover Imam Khomeini enhanced pluralism against individualism.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022 03:07

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