sub cat1
Good Moral Behavior and Behavioral Attributes
Imam's wife
Imam’s Prediction
Foreign Scholars
The childhood and youth
Sahifeh-ye Imam 1
Quran & Hadith
Special Issue No.16
Selected verses from Imam Khomeini
Poems hail Imam Khomeini
Sahifeh-ye Imam 2
Study and teaching at seminaries
Islamic Scholars
24th departure anniversary of Imam Khomeini
The Eight Articled Directive
Sayyid Mustafa Khomeini
Devotion and Piety
Aversion to Luxury and Protocol
Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini
The Quds Day
annual Muscat International Book Fair
Islamic Revolution
Environment and surroundings of house and family
Sahifeh-ye Imam 3
About Personalities
Iranian Intellectuals
Law & Islamic Jurisprudence
Sahifeh-ye Imam 4
New Delhi World Book Fair 2012
Uprising period and struggle against monarchy
Resistant Philosophy
Sayyid Hassan Khomeini
External Sophistication
Refinement of Spirit
Revival of Religious Beliefs
Exile period
Imam attending mourning ceremonies at the month of Muharram
Sahifeh-ye Imam 5
Religious Argumentation
Cultural & Social Sciences
Sahifeh-ye Imam 6
The 26th International Book Fair, 2013
Islamic government and governance
Social Concepts
Intimacy with the Qur’an
Private pictures of Imam Khomeini
The imposed war and holy defense
Sahifeh-ye Imam 7
Ethics & Mysticism
Sahifeh-ye Imam 8
The period of sickness and passing away
Imam at Alavi School
Display of Affection
Sentiments and Kindness
Imam and the public
Individual characteristics and qualities
Sahifeh-ye Imam 9
Sahifeh-ye Imam 10
The spiritual and worship qualities
Imam while reading
Being Loved by the People and Loving the People
The publics warm reception of Imam Khomeini
Memoirs in Imam's own words
Sahifeh-ye Imam 11
Special Issue No.11
The Night of Qadr, the Night of Power and Excellence
Sahifeh-ye Imam 12
Discipline in Affairs
Imam and the military
Foreign visitors of the Imam's shrin
Shrewdness and being Knowledgeable of the Enemy
International Quds Day, Symbol of Muslim World Unity
Congratulations on the auspicious occasion of Eid a-Fitr, the completion of a month of blessings and joy
Studying and Working Hard
Imam visiting holy places
Inauguration ceremony of Ayatollah Khamene'i (the Supreme Leader)
Weekly Topic
Ghadir is the renewed covenant of the prophet’s mission in the guardianship of Imam Ali (’a)
The effects of the culture of Ashura on the victory of Islamic Revolution
Faith and Trust in God
Imam in Faydhiah School
Imam in hospital
Firmness and Dignity
Azeri Turkish (cerlik
13th of Aban shattered the idol of arrogance
Arbaeen is a renewal of commitment to the teachings of Imam Hussein ('a)
Peace of Mind
Imam at Refah School
Imam's meetings with different nationalities
Self-respect and Zealousness
Islamic Unity, Islamic Solidarity
Norouz, Remembrance, Renewal and Rebirth
Sayyid Mustafa Khomeini
Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini
Imam's Relatives
Mission of Holy Prophet led humanity towards divine devotion
Heavenly fragrance in the auspicious month of Sha'ban
Related places
Sayyid Hassan Khomeini
Necessary preparation for the promised Mahdi’s appearance
Imam khomeini recommended vast participation, massive turn out in election
Imam's life in exile
Views about the Imam
Public mourning following the Imam’s passing
The sun set on horizon of Jamaran
Special Supplement On the Occasion Of the 28th Departure Anniversary Of Imam Khomeini (s)
Azeri Turkish(latin
The Imam delivering speeches
Imam and the public
Laylat al-Qadr, an opportunity for spiritual transformation
Quds Day, worldwide solidarity with Palestinian nation
Imam with children
Imam's meetings with scholars
Divine feast of Fitr, a prelude to proximity to God
An overview of Sahifeh
Imam Khomeini exposes real face of violence, Takfirism
Imam Khomeini and the media
Imam's heavenly departure
Assembly of Experts strengthens leadership
On the occassion of Imam Rida's birth anniversary
Imam during his youth
Imam Khomeini's shrine
Hajj; training in monotheistic life
Imam Khomeini; the founder of modern Islamic government
Husseiniah Jamaran
Holy city of Qom
Related sites
Imam Khomeini; the founder of modern Islamic government
From Sacrifice to Ghadir; Eids, the focal points for spirituality and devotion
About us
Formal appointment of transitional government
Contact us
Cinema should be used as a ladder for sublime of soul
Myanmar Muslims; victims to power, struggle and ethnic prejudice
The holy city of Najaf
Imam's arriaval in Iran, Mehrabad airport
The 8 years Sacred Defense proved our being oppressed
Ashura, a beginning and focal point for establishing divine justice
Visual arts and paintings
Imam Khomeini's emigration to Neauphle-le-Château
Trump’s anti-Iran rhetoric attest Imam's stance that US is unreliable
Summits, anniversaries and remembrance ceremonies
Imam's khomeini's portrait
Martyr Seyyed Mostafa Khomeini was the light of Imam khomeini's eyes
Den of Espionage'’s takeover in 1979 highlighted the need of confronting global arrogance
Imam's meetings with the clergymen of different religons
The ideas of the Imam
Special Editions
Imam's meeting with different Iranian tribes
Imam Khomeini’s opposition to Capitulation marked a focal point in public struggle for the revolution
Display of Muslim world’s grandeur and integration on occasion of Arba’een
Imam's after being released from prison-Qom
Imam's house in Tehran Darband district
Birth anniversary of the holy Prophet, an occasion to boost unity among all Muslim sects
28th of Safar, Prophet's passing anniversary
Imam in Tehran Heart Hospital
Imam Khomeini Quotes
Formal affirmation of Bani Sadr (the first president of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Basij is the school of love and the academy of martyrdom.
Jerusalem al-Quds, the site for first Qiblah of Muslims, will remain an eternal capital of Palestine
Imam's and government members
Imam's meetings with foreign ambassadors
Jesus Christ (‘a) is the prophet of peace, appointed by God to establish justice.
Imam Khomeini’s historic letter to Gorbachev addressed global hardships
Imam's presence at elections
Imam in Jamaran Heart Hospital
Under Imam Khomeini leadership, Iranians turned into most literate nation
Ayatollah Hashemi's passing, a loss to Muslim world
Imam While reading
Imam's house in Jamaran
People’s vigorous support for Imam Khomeini forced Shah to flee Iran
"The Fajr" International Book-reading Contest
Imam with family members
Daily Prayer
Imam after being released from Prison-Qom
Imam's arrival in Iran
Imam during his youth
Iranian nation determined to achieve the sublime goals of Imam Khomeini
Islamic Revolution under Imam Khomeini’s leadership; the manifestation of spirituality and faith
Imam Khomeini in Neauphle- le-Chateau
Imam Khomeini’s leadership led revolution to path of progress, prosperity
The victory of Islamic Revolution, a big "NO" by Iranians to 2500 years of monarchic rule
Heart Appealing Writings
Letters Sent to Imam
Imam Khomeini's divine personality and universality of revolution
Hazrat Zainab (PBUH), the flag-bearer of Karbala message and reviver of divine values
Holy lady Fatima (PBUH), the role-model for women throughout history
Hadrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH), a mirror for humanity and role-model for successful women in modern era
Imam Khomeini, flag-bearer of freedom in the age of super powers’ slavery
Imam Khomeini's deep love and trust toward his beloved son, Ahmad
How do scholars view Imam Khomeini’s political and spiritual impact on world?
Imam Khomeini blocked imperial powers from plundering national resources
Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of Nouwruz, an event for blossom of nature and soul perfection
Imam Khomeini’s beloved wife’s contribution to revolution would never be forgotten
Historic Referendum in 1980, manifestation of true democracy and people’s participation
Imam Khomeini revived Alavi’s governmental system and patterns of justice
Imam Khomeini highlighted spiritual perspectives of nature
Imam Khomeini highlighted spiritual perspectives of nature
Imam Khomeini sought strong bond between people and army
Holy prophet’s household protected divine religion against all calamities
US failure in Tabas is considered as one of the greatest miracles of the century
Imam Khomeini’s warnings against colonial powers and directions for oppressed nations
Trump's strike on Syrian violated International laws and norms
?Why idea of divine savior is widespread among all divine religions
Martyr Motahhari’s decisive role toward educating and training society
Trump's JCPOA withdrawal shows breach of promises habitual for US
How did Imam Khomeini see connection between Quran and holy month of Ramadan?
No peace in Palestine unless Israel ends occupation and atrocities
Special Supplement On the Occasion Of the 29th Departure Anniversary Of Imam Khomeini (S)
Night of glory, an opening for ascension towards Malakut, the Realm of Intelligence
Imam Ali (PBUH) ran governmental affairs with justice and delivered insightful judgments
Various perspectives of Imam Khomeini’s personality
Imam Khomeini remains the most influential figure of 20th century
Imam Khomeini’s dynamic ideals becoming widespread across globe
Guinness Book recorded Imam Khomeini’s funeral as the largest in history
Imam Khomeini's pointed to divine power involvement in liberation of Khorramshahr
Memoirs recounting last moments of Imam Khomeini’s life
Quds, a focal point for world freedom seekers to pledge allegiance with imam khomeini ideals
Imam Khomeini described Eid al-fitr as divine reward
Imam Khomeini supported healthy entertainment and sports
How religious teachings can be appealing for youth in Imam Khomeini's viewpoint?
Followers of various religions peacefully co-exist in Iran
How does US constantly violate human rights, while blaming others?
Why Iran claims to be a victim of terrorism?
Imam Khomeini facilitated women’s access to all arenas
Ask Question
What conditions and circumstances surrounded acceptance of Resolution 598 by Imam Khomeini?
Hajj pilgrimage boosts unity, confronts global arrogance
Imam Rida was the treasure of knowledge and wisdom
Hypocrites are worse than disbelievers and infidels
ثوره الاسلامیه
Sahifeh-ye Imam
Iran's constitutional movement raised awareness about democracy, people's rights and provides ways of shielding revolution
Imam Khomeini wanted foreign media to become voice of voiceless
Sahifeh-ye Imam 13
Sahifeh-ye Imam 13
Ashura in the Vision of Imam Khomeini
Dignity and human rights are essential pillars of Imam Khomeini's ideals
Iran has never yielded to US embargoes, pressure and bullying
Islamic Revolution
Sahifeh-ye Imam 14
Sahifeh-ye Imam 15
Islamic Resistance movements challenging US-Israeli dominance
Shah's regime's remnants repeating treachery and treason
Sahifeh-ye Imam 16
Necessary preparation for the promised Mahdi’s appearance
Sahifeh-ye Imam 17
1953coup shows how imperial powers sought to plunder Iranian resources
Hajj and sacrifice rituals, ladders for spiritual journey and self-training
Sahifeh-ye Imam 18
Sahifeh-ye Imam 19
Government week was designed to remind officials of their duties
Iran resisted to world powers’ bullying during 8-year long imposed war
Sahifeh-ye Imam 20
Sahifeh-ye Imam 21
Why Ghadir is called the biggest Eid festivity of Muslims
Institute spreading Imam Khomeini’s ideals, shielding his divine legacy
Sahifeh-ye Imam 22
Imam Khomeini revived Ashura in Today's world context
Imam Khomeini’s poetry manifests deep divine-oriented wisdom
Iranian nation defended itself against aggression by world powers
Imam Khomeini’s migration to Paris, a flash point in revolution history
Remembering sufferings of Palestinian children
Iran still remains a victim of terrorism
Deep devotion between Imam Khomeini and sportsmen
Imam Khomeini’s exile to Bursa shook pillars of Shah monarchy
US decades’ long history of arrogance created Donald Trump
Imam Khomeini boosted parliament role and promoted religious democracy
Imam Khomeini described students as builders of nation
On the occasion of 30th anniversary of Imam Khomeini's historic letter to Gorbachev
Ban on Islamic veil showed Pahlavi regime’s disrespect to religious symbols
From Revolutionary Islam to Islamic Revolution
International Book Reading Competition 2019
Imam Khomeini’s decree exposed sacrilegious acts by Rushdie and his western backers
IRGC, a force which defends revolution and confronts terrorism in region
Imam Khomeini described youth as builder of the country’s future
Legal life-saving organ donation carries divine reward from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint
Imam Khomeini's revolution strengthened Family's foundations
Trump's nukes, WMDs threaten world peace and security
Revolution resulted in emergence of true Islamic sovereignty
Hormuz Peace Initiative (HOPE) seeks to establish lasting peace in Persian Gulf
Gen. Soleimani’s martyrdom will strengthen axis of resistance in region
years after revolution, Imam Khomeini's message becoming increasingly appealing 40
US disgraceful, imposed plan is treason of century
Medics loyal to Imam’s path remain at forefront to tackle corona virus
The Promised Mahdi will fill the earth with justice and equity
Imam Khomeini hailed workers contribution to nation's progress
Imam Khomeini stressed to shield spiritual, cultural and historical heritage as national pride
World nations feel thirstier for Imam’s ideals in modern era
Black Lives Matter movement’s roots in Imam Khomeini’s ideals
Imam Khomeini’s works contain spiritual treasures and incentives
US blackmailing international forums to pass consecutive hostile&intended anti-Iran resolutions
Imam sought to revive real philosophy of Eid of sacrifice and the event of Hajj
Imam Khomeini stressed al-Mubahalah proves virtues of the progeny of the holy prophet
Imam Khomeini turned mosques into bases during revolution struggle and the imposed war
Imam Khomeini expanded new discourses on Mahdaviat in modern times
Imam Khomeini's concept of unity strengthened Muslim Ummah worldwide
Global arrogance has long history of assassinating Iranian scientific elites
Imam's guidance sole way to liberate Palestine, fight terrorism and Israeli occupying regime
other publications
Israeli regime, occupation and acts of state-sponsored terrorism
Imam Khomeini urged dialogue among divine religions, established amicable ties with Christians
Legacy of General Soleimani, a soldier of Rouhollah, will live on
Revolution cut the hands of arrogant powers, threw US out of Iran
Quotes in photo descriptions
Western media propaganda against Islamic Revolution doomed to failure
Imam took ontime action against apostate Salman Rushdie who insulted divine religion and Islamic sanctities
Press Release
Toggle navigation
Who is Imam Khomeini?
The Imam's Background
The childhood period
Immigration to Arak
Immigration to Qom
Marital life
Imam from 1941-1961
The start of political confrontations
The attack on Faydhiah School
Exile to Turkey
Exile to Iraq
Exile to Paris
Return to Tehran
Visiting the holy city of Qom
Establishment of an Islamic Republic
Residence in Tehran
Death (1989)
The childhood and youth
Study and teaching at seminaries
Environment and surroundings of house and family
Uprising period and struggle against monarchy
Exile period
Islamic government and governance
The imposed war and holy defense
The period of sickness and passing away
Individual characteristics and qualities
The spiritual and worship qualities
Memoirs in Imam's own words
Imam's Relatives
Imam's wife
Sayyid Mustafa
Sayyid Ahmad
Sayyid Hassan
Imam Khomeini's prayers in Ramadan, the season for enlightenment of hearts
کیفیت پخش:
Imam Khomeini's prayers in Ramadan, the season for enlightenment of hearts
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