his is the straight path, which you ask God in your daily prayers. “Guide us to the straight path. The path you blessed on them and not the path which leads to your wrath and strays. The straight path is the path of Islam, the path of perfection. This path leads to God. There are three paths: one is straight. One is to East—‘upon them is God’s wrath’. One is to West—‘the strays’. You proceed in the way which is the way of perfection, justice, mankind, and a straight path, path of sacrifice for Islam and the justice of Islam. Without going astray either this side or that side and to the corrupt schools it will be the right one ending to God. If you pace the way straight in this world, you will avoid the way that leads to hell. Hell is hidden in this world itself. If you take a straight path in this world and do not lean either side, which leads to hell, in that world too you will take the path, which is directly straight. The path of God is straight, the path upon which God has bestowed bounties. Here the bounty is Islam.
Sahifeh-ye-Imam. V 12. P 317-318