The wrong path is rife with Satan's trickery and the righteous path is one and the same as Ali and the Household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Al Kafi narrates Fazil quoting that: "A day I came upon Muhammad al Baqir in the Great Mosque of Mecca (Masjid al Haram) and his eminence was leaning on my side. The people surrounded mine in their mistake for his holiness. al Baqir told me that Fazil, this is how the masses wrongfully prayed during the Age of Ignorance. The knew no righteous path, nor had they any faith. Henceforth, they couldn't tell right from wrong. al Baqir therefore explained that the so called "righteous path" is one and the same as Ali and his righteous successors".
Forty Hadith, P 533 534