Institute art department hold key summit

Institute art department hold key summit

Senior art directors of the institute’s art department have held a key meeting in the Iranian city of Isfahan.

The meeting was held at headquarters of the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works in Isfahan.

It was also attended by the senior art director of Tehran headquarters, Ali Komsari, who is tasked with managing the institute’s art activities.

Several constructive suggestions were put forward to promote Imam Khomeini’s dynamic thought through art activities.

The relevant authorities also decided to organize two festival of film and poetry during the current year to highlight the events of the life of the founder of the Islamic Republic and his genuine teachings.

It was decided that art means should be used and art programs would be devised to promote and preach Imam’s works, thought and events of his divine life.

It is noteworthy that several movies, documentaries and programs have been composed by the world news channels about the history of Islamic Revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini in the recent decades.

The world religious and spiritual leader used to frequently voice his support for the art and artists.

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