Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini`s Will: Determining Ideological Discourse toward EFL Learning.

Towards the Critical Discourse Analysis of Imam Khomeini's Will: Determining Ideological Discourse ...

The researcher showed that Imam Khomeini’s will had a significant inclination toward applying verb tense as a means for ideological act in the text as well as action sentences and passive sentences. Moreover Imam Khomeini enhanced pluralism against individualism.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022 03:07

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Revival of Islam as one of Imam Khomeini’s major achievements.

Revival of Islam as one of Imam Khomeini’s major achievements.

The deputy secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, Sheikh NaimQassem described the revival of Islam in the world as one of Imam Khomeini’s major achievements.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 10:29

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Pakistani scholars say Imam Khomeini has been a symbol of courage, determination

Pakistani scholars say Imam Khomeini has been a symbol of courage, determination

Pakistani thinkers, leaders of religious parties and scholars affiliated with different Islamic schools of thought attended the event. They expressed their heartfelt devotion to Imam Khomeini and his sacrifices in the fight against tyranny, arrogant powers, support for the oppressed, including Palestine.

Saturday, June 05, 2021 08:03

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Leader lauds and glorifies Imam Khomeini on International Quds Day

Leader lauds and glorifies Imam Khomeini on International Quds Day

This is the same truth that guided the enlightened heart of the great Imam Khomeini (may God bestow mercy upon him) towards the announcement of International Quds Day on the last Friday of Ramadan.

Friday, May 07, 2021 02:00

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World People slam Israeli crimes on International Quds Day

World People slam Israeli crimes on International Quds Day

The International Quds Day is a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who designated the day in solidarity with the Palestinians and in opposition to the Israeli regime. Quds Day events have been held worldwide on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Today marks this year’s Quds Day.

Friday, May 07, 2021 10:19

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Imam Khomeini designated the International Quds Day to raise awareness among world Muslims

Imam Khomeini designated the International Quds Day to raise awareness among world Muslims

In accordance with Imam Khomeini's instructions, the day is considered an opportunity to reflect the voice of the voiceless Palestinians, who are living under the oppression of the Zionist regime.

Thursday, May 06, 2021 12:59

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