Iranians mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover

Iranians mark Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover

Founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Rouhollah Imam Khomeini later hailed the effort as 'a second revolution' with a greater significance.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014 06:00

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Imam Khomeini Underscored Preserving of Ashura Legacy

Imam Khomeini Underscored Preserving of Ashura Legacy

Imam Khomeini, the world religious and spiritual emphasized on several occasions that the Islamic Revolution in Iran was inspired by the Ashura and this inheritance must be kept and preserved for the coming generations.

Monday, November 03, 2014 06:00

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NAM backs sovereign Palestine state

NAM backs sovereign Palestine state

Iranian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Hossein Dehqani, whose country holds the rotating presidency of NAM, made the comments at a session of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the UN General Assembly on Thursday.

Thursday, October 16, 2014 06:00

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Imam Khomeini’s Recommendations on Ramadan & Layali al -Qadr

Imam Khomeini’s Recommendations on Ramadan & Layali al -Qadr

Imam Khomeini, the prominent religious leader of the world, has the variety of sayings ranging from different corners of the human experiences. He has presented different speeches in ethics, politics, human right the list goes on. He is being taken as foremost model of the world, a man of esteem. His name will never stop called in the voices of people because of his remarkable work he did.

Sunday, July 20, 2014 11:30

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Mother of Revolution exercised great wisdom and patience

Mother of Revolution exercised great wisdom and patience

Lady Khadija Thaghafi, the dear wife of Imam Khomeini was blessed with great sincerity and wisdom, and she exercised great patience during tough years of struggle which lead to the victory of the Islamic revolution in 1979.

Monday, July 14, 2014 06:00

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Imam Khomeini Changed World’s Perception about Religion

Imam Khomeini Changed World’s Perception about Religion

Imam Khomeni, a man who changed the world’s perception about religion, paved the way for freedom from the clutches of Imperialism, Pakistani academic figures say.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014 01:53

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Foreign Guests Hail Imam Khomeini`s Simple Life Style

Foreign Guests Hail Imam Khomeini's Simple Life Style

Dozens of Foreign guests from various countries have visited the historic and landmark simply-built residence of Imam Khomeini in the northern part of the Iranian capital Tehran.

Saturday, May 31, 2014 02:19

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Imam Khomeini Loved by Millions: Sri Lankan Activist

Imam Khomeini Loved by Millions: Sri Lankan Activist

A prominent Sri Lankan activist and academic says Imam Khomeini’s personality is widely respected and his dynamic thought is read by millions in various regions across the globe.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 07:00

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