Imam Khomeini Revived Genuine Teachings of Holy Prophet

Imam Khomeini Revived Genuine Teachings of Holy Prophet

28th of lunar month of Safar reminds us passing away anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa and Martyrdom of his grandson Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (peace be upon them).

Friday, October 25, 2019 12:15

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Imam Khomeini stressed the holy prophet and his progeny status as role-model

Imam Khomeini stressed the holy prophet and his progeny status as role-model

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, used to urge all believers and faithful people to to adopt as a role-model the conduct of honorable prophet of Islam Hadrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) and his pure progeny.

Friday, October 25, 2019 01:52

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Mustafa Khomeini Raised Awareness about Islamic Revolution

Mustafa Khomeini Raised Awareness about Islamic Revolution

His eminence Mustafa Khomeini the son of the founder of the Islamic Republic played a decisive role to raise awareness and highlight various perspectives of the Islamic Revolution among the academics and masses.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 11:39

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Revolution under Imam Khomeini, unprecedented phenomenon of 20th century

Revolution under Imam Khomeini, unprecedented phenomenon of 20th century

Observers maintain that Iranian Revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini has been a unique and unprecedented phenomenon of this century.The founder of the Islamic Republic established and strengthened the democratic institutions following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Sunday, October 06, 2019 01:28

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Imam Khomeini paved long way for self-purification

Imam Khomeini paved long way for self-purification

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, undertook serious efforts for purification of the self since very early stages of his life.

Saturday, October 05, 2019 10:33

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The Reasons for the Success of Islamic Revolution under Imam`s Leadership

The Reasons for the Success of Islamic Revolution under Imam's Leadership

The Islamic revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini emerged as a uccess story and a perfect model for other ongoing Islamic movements across the strategic regions of the Muslim world.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019 04:00

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Shah regime couldn’t silence Imam Khomeini by imprisonment

Shah regime couldn’t silence Imam Khomeini by imprisonment

Imam Khomeini’s elder brother, Ayatollah Pasandideh said that Shah regime had put severe restrictions on movement of Imam after freeing him from jail in 1960s.

Friday, September 27, 2019 02:42

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