An Analysis of the Quds Day

An Analysis of the Quds Day

One of the precious and irreplaceable heritage issues of Imam Khomeini is the universal and international day of Quds. The announcement of such an issue in a special time framework origins from Imam Khomeini's deep political thought and pure mystical inception.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014 07:42

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Imam Khomeini’s mysticism sole solution to all hurdles

Imam Khomeini’s mysticism sole solution to all hurdles

What follows is a rough text of an exclusive interview with Dr. Fatima Tabatabai, the head of department of the Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Center, and head of Iran’s Scientific Association of Islamic Mysticism.

Friday, May 30, 2014 09:31

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Imam Khomeini Promoted Divine-Oriented Human Rights

Imam Khomeini Promoted Divine-Oriented Human Rights

Imam Khomeini the great spiritual and religious leader of the Muslim world emphasized on implementation of divine-oriented human rights among the societies across the globe.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013 01:23

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:57

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Human Rights

Human Rights

We are in an age when criminals are praised and confirmed rather than being punished.

Saturday, April 06, 2013 12:11

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Western Democracy, Islamic Democracy

Western Democracy, Islamic Democracy

No suppression exists in Islam; there is freedom for all the people in Islam: for both men and women and for the blacks and whites...

Monday, April 01, 2013 01:32

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