Imam Khomeini shattered Zionists` plots

Imam Khomeini shattered Zionists' plots

The 32nd anniversary of the demise of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is being held on Friday.

Wednesday, June 02, 2021 07:17

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Anthropological foundations of Velayat-e-Faqih (Islamic governance) from Imam Khomeini`s viewpoint

Anthropological foundations of Velayat-e-Faqih (Islamic governance) from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint

Author: Mohammad Hassan Barikbin University: Baqer al-Uloom Higher Education Institute Year: 2001

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 10:19

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Imam Khomeini advised believers to strengthen themselves morally during blessed month of Ramadan

Imam Khomeini advised believers to strengthen themselves morally during blessed month of Ramadan

Imam Khomeini advised the believers and faithful people that Ramadan is the month in which they should strengthen themselves morally.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 06:14

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 Best form of worship is to contemplate about God and His Power, Imam Khomeini explained

Best form of worship is to contemplate about God and His Power, Imam Khomeini explained

According to Imam Khomeini, there is a great merit in contemplation. Contemplation is the key to the doors of ma’rifah and to the treasure chests of knowledge and excellence.

Thursday, March 18, 2021 01:14

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Khomeini for All

Khomeini for All

On the occasion of the anniversary of the demise of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, the author will discuss some of the dimensions of Imam Khomeini's character and the solution presented by that social and political leader to resolve humanity’s current problems in this short article written for

Friday, February 26, 2021 10:59

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Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 was one of the most important uprisings in modern political history, an event which still shapes the world. After enduring decades of economic exploitation under the British, followed by a CIA and MI6 coup in 1953 to overthrow Iranian PM Mossadegh and replace him with Western-backed monarch the Shah, Iran finally stood up to Britain and the United States. Iranians took to the streets by the millions, regained its sovereignty as well control over its natural resources and dealt a heavy blow to imperialism, setting the stage for resistance and anti-imperialist movements to this day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 11:31

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Foreign Minister Zarif welcomes Qatar’s call for Persian Gulf states to begin talks with Iran

Foreign Minister Zarif welcomes Qatar’s call for Persian Gulf states to begin talks with Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has welcomed his Qatari counterpart’s call for the Persian Gulf Arab countries to hold talks with Iran, saying Tehran has long demanded neighborly cooperation towards establishing a strong Middle East.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 08:04

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Some moral maladies are product of self-love, Imam Khomeini explained

Some moral maladies are product of self-love, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works underscored that the vice of ‘ujb is the product of self-love; since the human being is plagued with the evil of self-love, it is the source of all human faults and moral vices.

Monday, December 14, 2020 06:38

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