With calls for unity, Tehran hosts first Friday prayers in 20 months

With calls for unity, Tehran hosts first Friday prayers in 20 months

Addressing worshipers before the main sermon of the Friday prayers, Sheikh Ghazi Yusuf Hanina, chairman of the Assembly of Lebanese Muslim Scholars, thanked Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for supporting the Lebanese people in the fight against Takfiri terrorists as well as Israel and the US.

Friday, October 22, 2021 01:03

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 Palestinian diplomat calls Muslim nations to confront normalization with Israel

Palestinian diplomat calls Muslim nations to confront normalization with Israel

The 35th Islamic Unity Conference has begun in the Iranian capital Tehran. Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi opened the conference with statements on how important the Palestinian issue is to the Muslim world. He also mentioned how Islamic unity between countries is essential to defeat ignorance, imperialism, and terrorist groups such as Daesh.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 03:04

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President Raeisi says Muslim nations should forge strong unity, stay away from discord

President Raeisi says Muslim nations should forge strong unity, stay away from discord

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi has called on Muslim nations to strengthen their unity and establish stronger relations, saying they should avoid any statement or measure that may create rifts within their ranks.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 12:57

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Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir (as) possessed divine virtues, spread fountains of knowledge

Muhammad Ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir (as) possessed divine virtues, spread fountains of knowledge

Born in Madina on Ist Rajab 57 Hijri, died in Madina on 7th Zilhijja 114 Hijri (31.1.733AD) at the age of 57 years. Period of Imamate 19 years. On the evidence of the most authentic Hadith narrated by Sunni and Shia historians, one of the companions of the Holy Prophet Jabir Ibn Abdallah Ansari was in the presence of the Holy Prophet. He asked the Prophet about the names of descendants from his daughter Hazrat Fatima and ‘Ali (as) . The Prophet told him,

Sunday, July 18, 2021 05:36

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Imam Muḥammad al-Baqir (PBUH) received the title of Baqir due to his ample knowledge

Imam Muḥammad al-Baqir (PBUH) received the title of Baqir due to his ample knowledge

Muḥammad al-Baqir, full name Muhammad bin 'Ali bin al-Husayn bin Ali bin Abi Talib, also known as Abu Ja'far or simply al-Baqir‎, romanized: al-Bāqir, lit. 'the one who opens knowledge') (677-733) was the fifth Shia Imam, succeeding his father Zayn al-Abidin and succeeded by his son Ja'far al-Sadiq.

Sunday, July 18, 2021 02:17

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Imam Ali (PBUH) reflected the global justice

Imam Ali (PBUH) reflected the global justice

According to the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Rajab 13th is a day when justice (Imam Ali, the faithful commander of Believers) is born in the world; He reflected the global justice and himself was a miracle in the world.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 11:02

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