German navy chief forced to resign after drawing criticism for saying Russia`s Putin deserves respect

German navy chief forced to resign after drawing criticism for saying Russia's Putin deserves ...

Germany's navy chief has been forced to resign from his post after drawing criticism from the German government and Ukraine over his remarks in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Sunday, January 23, 2022 03:19

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US, Russia hold high-stake talks on Ukraine as NATO warns of ‘severe costs’ if Ukraine attacked

US, Russia hold high-stake talks on Ukraine as NATO warns of ‘severe costs’ if Ukraine attacked

Top US and Russian officials have held high-stake talks aimed at easing tensions over Ukraine amid warnings by NATO that Russia would face “severe costs” if it launched an attack on its former Soviet neighbor.

Monday, January 10, 2022 05:52

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‘Disappointed’ by US signals, Russia rules out concessions in talks over Ukraine

‘Disappointed’ by US signals, Russia rules out concessions in talks over Ukraine

Russia’s deputy foreign minister says Moscow is "disappointed" by signals from Washington and Brussels demanding unilateral concessions from the Russian side ahead of talks intended to ease tensions over Ukraine.

Sunday, January 09, 2022 03:06

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Imam Khomeini influenced other world leaders, among them was Mikhail Gorbachev

Imam Khomeini influenced other world leaders, among them was Mikhail Gorbachev

In January of 1989, Imam Khomeini wrote a letter to the former premier of the Soviet Union that contained much wisdom and sound advice, the value of which endures to this day. Imam Khomeini Undoubtedly one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century, Imam Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, not only was the spiritual force behind the Islamic Revolution in Iran, but also influenced other world leaders, among them was Mikhail Gorbachev.

Monday, December 27, 2021 11:28

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 Iran diplomat says UK plan to boost nuclear stockpile goes against philosophy of NPT

Iran diplomat says UK plan to boost nuclear stockpile goes against philosophy of NPT

Tehran’s ambassador to Moscow has voiced Iran’s opposition to a controversial plan by the United Kingdom to increase its stockpile of atomic weapons, saying any nuclear technology should serve the concept of atoms for peace.

Friday, March 26, 2021 05:27

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Russia’s Putin responds to leader`s important’ message

Russia’s Putin responds to leader's important’ message

Russia’s President Vladmir Putin responds in writing to an important message that had been forwarded to him last month on the part of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in which the Leader had underlined the “strategic and strong” nature of the two countries’ ties.

Saturday, March 06, 2021 06:20

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 FM Zarif to US: Iran will only respond to actions, not words

FM Zarif to US: Iran will only respond to actions, not words

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran will take proper action whenever the United States lifts the sanctions to pave the way for its return to the 2015 nuclear deal, stressing that the Islamic Republic takes Washington’s actions, not words, as its yardstick.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 08:42

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Iran warns against any US adventurism aimed at militarizing the Persian Gulf

Iran warns against any US adventurism aimed at militarizing the Persian Gulf

The Iranian administration has warned against any US adventurism aimed at militarizing the Persian Gulf, saying such moves would be in the interest of no country, whether in the region or elsewhere in the world.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 05:17

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