Dozens of groups urge Canada to halt `prejudiced targeting` of Muslim charities

Dozens of groups urge Canada to halt 'prejudiced targeting' of Muslim charities

More than 130 Canadian civil society groups, charities and Muslim institutions have called for a probe into what they describe as “Islamophobic” tax audits that unfairly target Muslim charities.

Saturday, June 26, 2021 06:14

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Message on websites of Iranian, regional TVs claims ‘domain seizure by US govt.’

Message on websites of Iranian, regional TVs claims ‘domain seizure by US govt.’

A senior member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council has denounced a decision by the United States to seize the websites of a series of Iranian and regional television networks, stressing that the measure attests to the fact that the channels have been successful in “getting their messages across.”

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 11:21

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Canada hijab event aims to combat Islamophobia in wake of terror act

Canada hijab event aims to combat Islamophobia in wake of terror act

Muslim and non-Muslim women have joined forces in the Canadian city of London in the east-central Ontario province to organize an event in which all of them wear the Islamic headdress called hijab as part of a national call against Islamophobia in the country.

Saturday, June 19, 2021 07:46

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The Islamic Center of England to organize a ceremony on the birthday anniversary of Imam Rida (AS)

The Islamic Center of England to organize a ceremony on the birthday anniversary of Imam Rida (AS)

The Islamic Center of England will organize a ceremony in three languages on the birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Shia Imam.

Saturday, June 19, 2021 12:00

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Canadians rally against Islamophobia

Canadians rally against Islamophobia

Imam Khomeini on several occasions warned against growing Islamophobia across west and called for a united front by Muslim nations to confront the western hostility against Islam.

Saturday, June 12, 2021 11:46

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 Iran diplomat says UK plan to boost nuclear stockpile goes against philosophy of NPT

Iran diplomat says UK plan to boost nuclear stockpile goes against philosophy of NPT

Tehran’s ambassador to Moscow has voiced Iran’s opposition to a controversial plan by the United Kingdom to increase its stockpile of atomic weapons, saying any nuclear technology should serve the concept of atoms for peace.

Friday, March 26, 2021 05:27

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