``Imam Khomeini leaded the Islamic revolution of Iran with his fate.``

Syria’s Grand Mufti:

''Imam Khomeini leaded the Islamic revolution of Iran with his fate.''

In the Islamic awakening all the Muslim, Shia or Sunni, have stepped in, and by chanting “Allah-u-Akbar” (Allah is great) and without prejudice shouted for their rightful demands.

Monday, February 13, 2012 11:30

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Before Imam, Islamic unity was mostly a theoretical discussion

Hojatoleslam Taskhiri:

Before Imam, Islamic unity was mostly a theoretical discussion

At the time which the Islamic world was looking for unity among its children, they didn’t have the necessary instruments, but Imam Khomeini by founding the great government of the Islamic republic, paved the path for other Muslims.”

Friday, February 10, 2012 11:17

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Islamic Unity conference in South Africa

On the occasion of Unity Week

Islamic Unity conference in South Africa

An Islamic Unity conference will be organized on 5th February 2012 in South Africa.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 10:28

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