Prophet`s divine mission raised awareness, brought about blessings for mankind

Prophet's divine mission raised awareness, brought about blessings for mankind

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, through his historic speeches and messages stated that the divine mission of the holy prophet had caused brought great awareness and blessings for the entire mankind.

Sunday, March 22, 2020 07:16

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Imam Khomeini highlighted moral and spiritual aspects of holy prophet’s missions

Imam Khomeini highlighted moral and spiritual aspects of holy prophet’s missions

Imam Khomeini through his historic speeches and messages said that the holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was assigned by God with a mission to complete moral of excellence.

Sunday, March 22, 2020 01:05

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Imam Khomeini lauded Alavi`s values and justice

Imam Khomeini lauded Alavi's values and justice

The founder of the Islamic Republic sent regular messages on birthday anniversary of Imam Ali and invited all government officials and masses to follow footsteps of the truthful successor of the holy prophet in all perspectives of life.

Saturday, March 07, 2020 10:14

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Imam Khomeini sought to establish Alavi governmental system

Imam Khomeini sought to establish Alavi governmental system

The late founder of the Islamic Republic frequently used to maintain that Imam Ali (PBUH),the truthful infallible successor of the holy prophet of is the appearance of the absolute justice.

Saturday, March 07, 2020 01:22

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Imam Khomeini introduced model of leadership and government

Imam Khomeini introduced model of leadership and government

The great Imam was great mindful of his religious duties and performed all of them with great accuracy in accordance with divine teachings of Islam. The various facets of this amazing Islamic leadership of great Imam may be characterized as an exceptional personal integrity, unselfish lifestyle, iron- will, incredible courage and steadfastness.

Sunday, August 25, 2019 10:04

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Imam Khomeini doesnot consider available interpretations as perfect

Imam Khomeini doesnot consider available interpretations as perfect

Imam Khomeini, leader of contemporary Muslim world, does not consider available interpretations as perfect interpretations and only considers them as exemplifications and definitions,

Sunday, July 14, 2019 09:36

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Imam Khomeini stresses on guidance perspectives of Quran

Imam Khomeini stresses on guidance perspectives of Quran

Imam Khomeini's pondering and meditating on the Holy Quran resulted in a deep reliance on the Holy Quran. Imam based all his affairs on the verses and instructions of the Holy Quran.

Thursday, May 23, 2019 04:56

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