Historic letter to Gorbachev proves Imam`s unique visionan and revolutionary leadership

Historic letter to Gorbachev proves Imam's unique visionan and revolutionary leadership

Imam Khomeini asked that “Indeed, how can Islam be the opium of the people—the religion that has made Iranians as firm as a mountain against superpowers?”

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 07:00

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Video: Imam Khomeini, the man who will never die

Video: Imam Khomeini, the man who will never die

Many pundits believe that Imam Khomeini was an influential political figure who brought about a sea change to the entire world. Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini started his movement against the anti-Islamic policies of the former Shah in 1963.The movement that resulted in an unprecedented change in the 20th century.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 12:07

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Imam Khomeini opposed Shah’s dependence on West

Imam Khomeini opposed Shah’s dependence on West

The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, had been dependent on the west throughout his rule – a source of anger among Iranian public, who had launched a struggle under leadership of Imam Khomeini against Shah and his western backers. The dependence on foreign powers had led to collapse of Shah regime.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 01:10

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Imam Khomeini in letter to Gorbachev said that Communism was an outdated relic

Imam Khomeini in letter to Gorbachev said that Communism was an outdated relic

In a letter, the Soviet leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Imam Khomeini told him Communism was an outdated relic.

Saturday, January 05, 2019 02:20

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Video shows who was Imam Khomeini?

Video shows who was Imam Khomeini?

Undoubtedly one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century, Imam Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, not only was the spiritual force behind the Islamic Revolution in Iran, but also influenced other world leaders in various parts of the world.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019 03:48

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 Europe refutes Trump`s administration plan on Palestine

Europe refutes Trump's administration plan on Palestine

Eight European Union member states have warned that US President Donald Trump’s plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is yet to be unveiled, will not be successful if it fails to take into account internationally-agreed parameters for peace, namely a two-state solution along the pre-1967 boundaries.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:11

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Palestinians mark 31st anniversary of  first Intifada

Palestinians mark 31st anniversary of first Intifada

Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has marked the 31st anniversary of the first Intifada with pledges to continue the "armed struggle" and rebuked Arab leaders for seeking to normalize ties with Israel.

Sunday, December 09, 2018 07:18

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