The Islamic government's foreign policy with an emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s thought

The research seeks to answer a main question " what is the Islamic government's essence according to Imam Khomeini?'" and I seek to test that is that the Islamic government's foreign policy essence according to Imam is the one that has a cultural and a value essence.

ID: 66529 | Date: 2020/10/26
Author: Amee Hoseyn Moradpur Dehnavee

Year: 1389 AHS

Submitted to: Bagher-Ul-olum university, the social and the history and the political science department


This research seeks to examine and also to answer a main question and that is what is the Islamic government's essence according to Imam Khomeini and my hypothesis and I seek to examine and to test that is that the Islamic government's foreign policy essence according to Imam is the one that has a cultural and a value essence. And regarding all of the chapters of this research I seek to examine that matter.

In the first chapter I say that from the 1970s decade and after that we witness that the role that is played by the culture and that has to do with the international relations and the foreign policy of the countries has become important and some thinkers and some theoreticians such as Huntington, Edward Saeed, Francis Fokuyama and Marcel merel and… have emphasized the importance of the culture regarding the foreign policy of the countries.

 The 2nd chapter express this matter that his eminence Imam Khomeini has a cultural view of the society and the politics and also the foreign policy and also Imam's cultural approach regarding the foreign policy comes from his humanistic bases and the foreign policy and the behavior of the agents of that is related to the human beings who have made themselves right and they are also pious or the human beings who are offensive persons with carnal desire and they oppress the others.

 In the 3rd chapter through the studying and the examining of Imam's view relating to the strategies and the micro and the macro goals of the Islamic government and that is in the foreign policy area and I have reached this conclusion that each of them noting the cultural goals and  the ones that are of a value kind of that they find a meaning and the ones that have a humanistic and a Godly essence and they may be located in the area of the duties and the missions of the Islamic government and basically the philosophy of the creation of the Islamic government is this that it makes the great Godly – humanistic goals come true and the Godly prophets and the imams were after them and from that aspect it can be said that regarding an Islamic government the materialistic and goals or the having power and the national interests are not just the goals that are in mind and in fact those ones following the moralistic, the thinking and the cultural goals then they find a meaning and their concept is then formed. In the 4th chapter I express the means regarding the moving forward of the foreign policy according to Imam and then that becomes clear that the Islamic government based on the cultural essence of its foreign policy goals utilizes the peaceful and the cultural means and also the making use of the military means relating to the cultural goals find a meaning.